Specific features

Our database contains information concerning many qualified candidates. Within the database we select the person matching the specific features of your business.

Major industries we support

  • Logistics and procurement;
  • Information technologies;
  • Marketing, advertising;
  • Trade and industry;
  • Heavy industry.
We know where to search for talents
The right people for successful cooperation
We are able to find talents both for big and small businesses
Looking for people rather than jobs

Connecting people and businesses

We are not engaged simply in filling vacancies and selection of personnel. We manage to select people for long-term successful cooperation. The effective operation of any company is based on the unity of attitude towards life and objectives of its personnel. To find contact points and to suggest the ideal candidate for a specific job is our objective and the area we have successful experience in.

Find an employee

Describe the employee as you see him/her. And we will manage to find just the right person specially for you. The reply to your request will be given on the next business day.

We are entrusted with the most valuable things

Fresh Production

Producer center

«Fresh Production»

Russian Standard

Credit bureau

«Russian Standard»


European Medical Center


Alta Via

Law firm

«Alta Via»


Medical equipment


How do we work?

Work first

We operate without prepayment. The payment is made after the specialist reports for work.

Individual price

The exact price of our services is determined after the relevant negotiations and depends on the vacancy’s complexity level, urgency as well as the exclusive level of cooperation.


The standard warranty period in respect of the candidates that reported for work is 90 calendar days.

We are always with you

If the interaction with our candidate is terminated by the candidate within the warranty period (irrespectively of the fact who initiated the termination) we offer free replacement.

What are the success factors in search for ideal employee? Psychological insight into people and deep understanding of the market, gut feeling and dedication to details but first and foremost love for work

Elena Otto Bureau employs specialists whose passion and deep knowledge of methods of personnel search and selection guarantee success. Trust-based contact with people, HR specialist psychological fine tuning to the person of the employer and the candidate lays the basis of successful work.

Effective working relations are based on common objectives, ideals and attitude towards life. In this case the employees fit like elements of puzzle.

We manage to find the people that fit perfectly into the work team and operational flow of the company as our selection is faultless. The employees that were employed upon our recommendation rapidly occupy the key positions in the companies and their work becomes the material factor of the economic development of the business.

And this is not merely our statement. According to statistical data only 3% of employees recommended by us leave the businesses voluntarily or fail to pass probation period. Therefore we are approached in cases where it is necessary to find an employee under competitive market conditions.